CJ Dollo, Otunnu reinvent ideas to boost education in Acholi

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CJ Dollo, Otunnu reinvent ideas to boost education in Acholi
Olara Otunnu | Courtesy

Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo has teamed up with former presidential candidate Olara Otunnu to resuscitate the quality of education across Acholi sub-region.

The two leaders from northern Uganda are doing this by encouraging parents, and leaders to each contribute as little as Shs1,000 to an education fund known as Dero Kwan.

“A scholarship fund by the local people, each person putting in the basket Shs1,000 will help to revive the lost glory of education institutions in the region," Amb Otunnu said.

While meeting the cultural leaders at Ker Kwar Atyak in Amuru District, CJ Dollo expressed strong belief that each homestead in Acholi sub region is in position to raise at least Shs1,000 for the fund, and the first beneficiaries are expected to receive support in 2025.

The initiative is also meant to encourage leaders from dropping out of school.

"We have many cases of school dropouts especially due to unaffordable school fees,” says Kenneth Okot, the Atiak Town Council chairperson.

Okot believes that the Dero Kwan education fund will help many local children who have to trek for very long distances in order to attend to school.

The Kilak North MP, Anthony Akol, whipped up the hopes of the local people by insisting that alcoholism will not take children to school.

Akol wants the chief justice and his team to ensure that an education bylaw is put in place across Acholi sub region.

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