Mbarara City officials tighten the noose around Emyooga defaulters

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Mbarara City officials tighten the noose around Emyooga defaulters
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Mbarara City officials have announced a crackdown on defaulters of the Emyooga funds.

Mbarara  Resident City Commissioner, Rt. Maj. James Mwesigye,said the crackdown  will target anyone who has not met their financial obligations to the Emyooga program, which supports small and medium enterprises

"We are aware that there are defaulters, and we are ready to take necessary actions against them. Emyooga is a lifeline for many entrepreneurs, and we cannot allow a few individuals to jeopardize this," he said.

Mbarara City, encompassing Kashari Counties North and South, boasts over 30 Emyooga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs).

These groups have been urged to involve themselves in value addition and to register their enterprises with the Uganda Revenue Authority and the Uganda Registration Services Bureau to ensure legal compliance and access to larger markets.

Despite the program's progress, enterprise players in Western Uganda, particularly in Kigezi and Mbarara, have highlighted significant obstacles in legalizing their businesses.

"We face numerous challenges in registering our businesses, which makes it difficult to operate on a larger scale," explained one SACCO member.

The crackdown on defaulters aims to reestablish discipline within the Emyooga program, while also motivating participants to comply with regulatory requirements.

Officials hope that by addressing defaulters and promoting business legalization, the program will continue to be a catalyst for economic growth in the region.

"We are committed to supporting the growth of small and medium enterprises, but we cannot do that without ensuring everyone plays by the rules," Rt. Maj. Mwesigye added.

"Our focus is on strengthening the system and ensuring that the benefits of Emyooga reach those who need them most."

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