Boda-boda operators protest transfer of Lira City police chief

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Boda-boda operators protest transfer of Lira City police chief
Lira RCC Lawrence Egole addresses the protesters outside his office on Tuesday | Isaac Otwii

DPC Abel Ruganza has been transferred to Agago and will be replaced by Brian Ampeire, who has been serving as DPC Agago.

LIRA CITY | A group of boda-boda operators on Tuesday stormed the office of the Resident City Commissioner (RCC), Lawrence Egole, to protest the transfer of District Police Commander (DPC).

The protestors, who claim the transfer are politically motivated, gathered early in the morning along Obote Avenue, filling the streets with the roar of motorcycle engines and placards pinned on the motorcycles.

They stormed the RCC's office, where they had hoped to voice their grievances.

DPC Abel Ruganza has been transferred to Agago and will be replaced by Brian Ampeire, who has been serving as DPC Agago.

Sarah Awor, the councillor representing workers at Lira City Council, argued that the transfer of the DPC would undermine the security improvements made in recent months.

“We are here because we want justice for our city. The DPC has worked here for only five months and has brought sanity and order to Lira. We believe this transfer is a result of political interference,” said Ms Awor.

Juma Owera, the chairperson of Boda-boda operators, said the DPC made significant reductions in crime rates against Bodaboda riders, and improved public safety.

“Since the DPC took charge, we have seen a notable decrease in theft and violence in the city against us. Previously, cases of iron bar hitmen were widespread, and we were losing our brothers and sisters,” says Owera.

The demonstrators expressed dissatisfaction with what they perceived as manipulating police assignments for political gain. Many held signs reading “No More Political Interference” and “Keep Our DPC,”

The Lira Resident City Commissioner, Lawrence Egole, who addressed the crowd from the steps of his office, assured the protestors that their concerns would only be addressed if put into writing by the bodaboda leadership.

“I understand your frustrations and concerns. My advice is that you go back, reorganise yourselves and put your concerns in writing so that I can forward it to the responsible authorities,” Egole told the protestors outside his office.

The protest against the transfer of Ruganza comes amid a backdrop of rising political tensions in Lira City.

Local leaders and politicians have been accused of using their influence to control security appointments, a claim that has been difficult to substantiate but has gained traction among the public.

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