UWA maintains park drive-through fee for light vehicles

UWA maintains park drive-through fee for light vehicles
Murchison Falls National Park has a smooth drive but with many restrictions

Entrance fees for Murchison Falls National Park is Shs20,000 per person for all East African citizens.

NATIONAL | The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) will not waive entrance fee for motorists in vehicles not prohibited from plying the defective Karuma Bridge - at least not before the Cabinet makes a definite decision.

"Please note that all vehicles entering Murchison Falls National Park will be required to pay an entrance fee, except for those specifically prohibited from using the Karuma bridge as per UNRA's directive (lorries, trailers, and buses)," UWA said in a statement on Sunday.

Entrance fees for Murchison Falls National Park is Shs20,000 per person for all East African citizens.

Foreign non-residents pay $45 (Shs165,000), $35 for foreigners residents, and $25 for children aged five to 15.

The levy aside, access through the park has strict schedule with motorists only allowed through between 7am and 7pm.

The emergency response to structural defects that has led to Karuma Bridge being closed to heavy vehicles such as buses, lorries, trailers and any others carrying an estimated weight of 28 persons will top the agenda in Monday's Cabinet meeting.

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) on Friday evening announced that for three months starting Monday, May 6, only light vehicles will be allowed to cross over Karuma Bridge after engineers ascertained the concrete deck was experiencing fatigue and that it necessitated immediate intervention.

UNRA redirected traffic away from the bridge that links the capital Kampala to northern Ugand, West Nile, DR Congo and South Sudan, with heavy vehicles asked to pass through Murchison Falls National Park.

But on Saturday, the Ministry of Works and Transport issued another advisory to motorists, with the implication that passing through the park would be free of charge for all.

However, in its Sunday statement, UWA offered guidance on passing through Murchison Falls National Park.

"As custodians of this natural treasure, Uganda Wildlife Authority emphasises the importance of adhering to regulations for both the safety of persons and the preservation of wildlife," the wildlife custodian said.

In a rejoinder, UNRA spokesperson Allan Ssempebwa said UWA had to come out with a guidelines given it is a new route for many, a route with different rules that users must know of.

He also said the UWA guidelines should take precedent until Cabinet directives otherwise.

In their statement, UWA drilled down a raft of dos and don'ts for motorists, including

"We urge all motorists to strictly adhere to designated speed limits of 40km/h within the park," the statement issued by UWA spokesperson Bashir Hangi spells out.

"Failure to comply with the speed limit will attract immediate fines or penalties on the motorists."

While the Cabinet can waive the park fee, rules like that on time and speed limit are unlikely to be touched.

The park is a wilderness where travellers are exposed to predators in the night. In instances of a breakdown, travellers would be in grave danger if at night.

Yet night travel also exposes the wildlife to more danger if they were crossing the road and came up against the glare of headlights.

Even during daytime, it is dangerous to stop in the park.

"To ensure the safety of both wildlife and visitors, unnecessary stops within the park are strictly prohibited. However, stops for emergency situations are permitted," it said.

UWA also said there will be no hooting and no offering food to animals.

"We remind all visitors that hooting and feeding animals within the park are strictly prohibited," it said.

Other rules include no littering. The wildlife authority said it is imperative that all visitors refrain from littering within the park premises.

"Bus operators are specifically reminded to educate passengers on the importance of keeping the park clean. Failure to prevent littering will result in penalties imposed on the operator," UWA said.

The Authority said except for authorised tourist vehicles, no other motorists will be allowed to deviate from the designated Kichumbanyobo - Tangi road.

"Any unauthorised diversions will be considered entry without a valid permit and will be penalided accordingly," Mr Hangi added.

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