Articles on World Cup

Music Kenyan Protests and the Impact on Ugandan Trade
Elizabeth Tendo . 2024-06-28 14:57:47
Kenyan Protests and the Impact on Ugandan Trade
Kenyan Protests and the Impact on Ugandan Trade

Despite the challenges, Mawerere expressed optimism about the resilience and adaptability of Ugandan traders. "We have faced disruptions before, and each time, our traders find ways to adapt. From seeking alternative routes to adjusting supply chains, there is a concerted effort to mitigate the impact," he noted.

Music Trade Relations Among EAC Member States: A Balancing Act
Salmah Namwanje . 2024-06-24 14:55:57
Trade Relations Among EAC Member States: A Balancing Act
Trade Relations Among EAC Member States: A Balancing Act

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which came into force in 2021, has also provided a broader framework within which EAC member states are operating. The alignment of EAC regulations with AfCFTA’s broader goals has further facilitated intra-regional trade, offering new opportunities for businesses across the region.

Music Museveni postpone meeting with traders to July
Arafat Nzito . 2024-06-20 10:00:50
Museveni postpone meeting with traders to July

Music Rubanda Traders Decry Poor Hygiene and Security at Market

Music Navigating Unity: Resolving Uganda's Trader-URA Differences

Music Kampala Struggles Under Traders' Protest
Hakim Wampamba . 2024-04-19 13:26:28
Kampala Struggles Under Traders' Protest

Music Traders' Strike on Hold as Government Pledges Talks
Ramson Muhairwe . 2024-04-18 15:12:44
Traders' Strike on Hold as Government Pledges Talks

Music Traders strike paralyses Iganga, leave taxi operators idle

Music Tax Discontent Simmers in Kampala as Traders Split on Tactics