Articles on World Cup

Music Kenyan Protests and the Impact on Ugandan Trade
Elizabeth Tendo . 2024-06-28 14:57:47
Kenyan Protests and the Impact on Ugandan Trade
Kenyan Protests and the Impact on Ugandan Trade

Despite the challenges, Mawerere expressed optimism about the resilience and adaptability of Ugandan traders. "We have faced disruptions before, and each time, our traders find ways to adapt. From seeking alternative routes to adjusting supply chains, there is a concerted effort to mitigate the impact," he noted.

Music Time for a New Era: Should Mpuuga Mathias Take the Helm?
Sam Ibanda Mugabi . 2024-06-25 13:53:10
Time for a New Era: Should Mpuuga Mathias Take the Helm?
Time for a New Era: Should Mpuuga Mathias Take the Helm?

Mpuuga's rise to prominence has been marked by his impassioned speeches, grassroots engagement, and commitment to democratic values. His message of unity, economic development, and social justice resonates with a population eager for change.

Music Mpuuga Rebrands as "My Leader" in Bold Move
Sam Ibanda Mugabi . 2024-06-24 15:15:02
Mpuuga Rebrands as "My Leader" in Bold Move
Mpuuga Rebrands as "My Leader" in Bold Move

Mpuuga, known for his charismatic leadership and vision, has been gaining momentum in recent months, attracting a large following among Ugandans disillusioned with the status quo. The rebranding is seen as a bid to consolidate this support and expand the party's appeal beyond traditional boundaries.

Music Mpuuga rebrands as "My leader" in bold move
Sam Ibanda Mugabi . 2024-06-24 07:54:02
Mpuuga rebrands as "My leader" in bold move

Music How the Honourables became a disgrace
Shamim Nabakooza . 2024-06-23 19:32:32
How the Honourables became a disgrace

Music Kampala Restaurant Week returns after 4-year hiatus
Kenneth Kazibwe . 2024-06-22 08:45:38
Kampala Restaurant Week returns after 4-year hiatus

Music  I&M Bank supports HL Construction's legacy of excellence

Music Challenges faced by the hearing impaired in accessing services
Salmah Namwanje . 2024-06-20 09:55:41
Challenges faced by the hearing impaired in accessing services
Challenges faced by the hearing impaired in accessing services

The Ugandan government has taken some steps towards inclusivity, such as incorporating sign language into public broadcasts and creating legal frameworks to support the rights of people with disabilities. However, more robust implementation and enforcement of these policies are needed.

Music Uganda's car import trade: Economic engine and regulatory shifts
Salmah Namwanje . 2024-06-18 11:06:07
Uganda's car import trade: Economic engine and regulatory shifts
Uganda's car import trade: Economic engine and regulatory shifts

The car import business in Uganda is a multi-million dollar industry. In recent years, the revenue generated from taxes and duties on imported vehicles has consistently bolstered the national budget. The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) collects substantial fees through import duties, value-added tax (VAT), and registration fees.