
Why today's marriages can't seem to last: A cultural shift?

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Why today's marriages can't seem to last: A cultural shift?
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In recent years, the rate of marriage breakdowns has been steadily rising, particularly among younger generations. This stands in stark contrast to African traditional societies where marriage was viewed as a lifelong commitment, often with little tolerance for separation or divorce.

Today, however, societal norms have shifted, and the younger generation seems more open to leaving marriages when they are unhappy or unfulfilled.

One of the primary reasons for the growing number of divorces is the influence of globalisation. With increased access to global media, modern couples are exposed to different cultures and lifestyles, which have reshaped expectations of marriage.

Concepts like individual freedom, self-care, and pursuing happiness are now seen as more important than enduring a bad relationship. This has led to a cultural shift where leaving a marriage is no longer viewed as a personal failure but a healthy decision for one's well-being.

Societal pressure also plays a role. In the past, community and family expectations played a significant role in keeping marriages together.

Divorce was seen as taboo, and couples felt the pressure to stay together regardless of their happiness. Today, however, there is less stigma attached to divorce, with society placing more value on personal fulfilment and happiness than staying in a difficult marriage.

Furthermore, gender dynamics have evolved. Women, who were once economically dependent on their husbands, now have greater financial independence.

This shift has given them the ability to leave marriages that are not serving them emotionally or financially, a choice that was not as accessible in traditional African societies.

As the world becomes more connected and values continue to change, marriage is no longer seen as a rigid institution, but rather as a partnership that must work for both individuals.

With these changes, divorce and remarriage have become more acceptable and common, reflecting a broader cultural shift towards prioritising individual happiness over societal expectations.

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