Bugangaizi east Beat bugangaizi West 4:0 in the BKK-CNOOC Amasaza Cup

The Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom has resumed the 2024 BKK-CNOOC Amasaza Cup matches in Kakumiro District at the Kisiita playground.
The match saw Bugangaizi East take on Bugangaizi West, with Bugangaizi East securing a commanding 4-0 victory.
The Tuesday morning ceremony was presided over by the Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom Chief Administrative Secretary, Katusabe Alex, who represented the Kingdom Prime Minister, Andrew Byakutaga.
Katusabe expressed gratitude to CNOOC Uganda Ltd for their sponsorship and to the people of Kakumiro for their unwavering support of BKK programs and their counties.
“We were in Hoima, later Kagadi, and now in Kakumiro District. The support for the tournament is amazing. Our aim was to bring the region together, and so far, so good. We believe that by the end of three months, we will have achieved our target,” he said.
The match, which attracted a large crowd of Kakumiro sports fans, ended with Bugangaizi East advancing to the next stage of the tournament.
The next set of matches is scheduled to take place in Kiryandongo at Booma Grounds, where Kibanda South will face off against Kibanda North.