Land conflict leaves two Amuru clans reeling

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Land conflict leaves two Amuru clans reeling
Some of the affected families walking away after receiving relief items from the Uganda Red Cross Society | Joseph Omagor

Over a hundred people in the Atiak Sub-county of Amuru District are calling for urgent help from the government to settle a long-standing land dispute that has left 33 houses burnt to the ground.

This was as a result of inter-clan land conflict in the village of Pacilo which  escalated two weeks ago after unknown people torched the grass thatched houses.

The affected families claim that someone wants to displace their families.

Amuru LC5 chairperson Michael Lakony has confirmed the arrest of four suspects.

Over 100 people in Pacilo in Amuru district were immediately displaced after the land related violence.

The people who belong to the 56 affected households claim that unknown people are scheming to grab around 1000 acres of their land.

James Ocaya, a victim of the land violence, told the Nile Post they were beaten and tortured.

"The beating and tortured us, and they continued with burning of houses," Ocaya said.

The victims who have lost the majority of their household items including food, bedding, and clothing also sustained injuries.

The local leaders led by Chairman Lakony and Ms Lucy Akello, Woman MP, have appealed to the government to intervene.

"The four that were arrested belong to Pacilo clan, because they are the ones that attacked the other clan, the Cici clan. However, security is pursuing the criminal aspect of that land conflict," says Lakony.

"We have a whole generation of young people who don't know what peaceful  co-existence is, it should be upon government to start up a specific affirmative action for the people of northern Uganda who were affected by LRA in terms of how do to recover," added MP Akello.

The conflict between the two clans of Pacilo and Cici has been boiling since 2021, and the land in question is situated next to Atiak Sugar.

In this tragic incident, the Uganda red Cross Society  donated assorted items to support the displaced families.

Robert Kyaligonza, the Red Cross Uganda branch manager for Amuru, said the best way they can support the victims is by offering them afew items to boast their start.

"We are giving each house hold two jerrycans, a blanket, a mat, two saucepans, two mosquito nets, two cups, two bars of soap plus a bucket and a water purifier that can support them for the mean time," Kyaligonza said.

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