Economic , social devt as fostered by Rotary in Uganda

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Economic , social devt as fostered by Rotary in Uganda
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In Uganda, contributions to the Rotary Foundation have enabled clubs to implement community service projects in a number of areas, including provision of clean water and sanitation in remote communities and construction of classroom blocks and dormitories.

In the last Rotary year, clubs in District 9213 implemented projects worth more than Shs2 billion.

These life-changing projects are in addition to others that Rotary in Uganda has implemented over the years.

For example, the Rotary Blood Bank at Mengo Hospital, has contributed significantly to addressing the challenge of blood shortage in the country.

The Rotary Cancer Run, which has been held annually for more than a dozen years, has not only raised awareness about the killer disease but also supported the construction of two bunkers at Nsambya Hospital, housing testing and treatment machines. U

ganda also implements the Rotary Family Health Days, a massive annual 1-3-day nationwide health campaign that provides comprehensive free healthcare services and referrals to thousands of citizens across communities in the country.

The programme, which had served nearly a million.

Ugandans by the time the Covid-19 Pandemic struck in 2020, was a response to inadequate medical facilities and insufficient numbers of health workers in many communities.

Uganda also hosts a Rotary Peace Centre, the first in Africa, at Makerere University. These centres train change-makers devoted to peace building and conflict resolution.

"This Rotary year, we are going to consolidate, increase our impact and promote sustainability, we want to build on what is already there, and encourage clubs to About Rotary stay longer with the projects they are already working on so that we can increase our impact," District Governor, Nkutu said.

District 9213 Rotary unites a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges and creating lasting change.

Rotary connects 1.4 million people of action from more than 46,000 Rotary clubs in almost every country in the world. Their service improves lives at both local and international levels.

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