Collection of signatures for censure motion ends Monday- Ssekikubo

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Collection of signatures for censure motion ends Monday- Ssekikubo
Censure motion mover Theodore Ssekikubo

The movers and seconders of the motion seeking to impeach the four embattled commissioners of Parliament have postponed the collection of signature until Monday in order to accommodate MPs who are returning from abroad.

"We have some colleagues of our who are still in Nairobi and have called us to wait for them to append their signatures on the motion. Over the weekend they will be back and we don't want to leave any stone unturned," Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Ssekikubo who is leading the move said.

According to MPs Sekikubo, Simon Opolot, Dr. Patrick Isingoma and  Enock Nyongole , they will  next week also lodge a notice to the Speaker of Parliament to officially introduce the censure motion against the four commissioners of Parliament.

The movers and seconders of the motion seeking to impeach the four embattled commissioners of Parliament on Friday  told the media that  the president's state of the nation address on corruption exonerated them on their mission of cleansing Parliament of corruption.

They  did not spare all the workers MPs and some government ministers who decided to go silent on signing this motion.

Ssekikubo also says they have got evidence that the leadership of Parliament has started forging the minutes and Hansard of Parliament in relation to the controversial service award of shs1.7 billion  but said they will expose all this rot at Parliament.

"We are totally ashamed as Parliament to see that some officials have started forging documents to give defense of their illegal allocation. You saw how one of the documents indicated that each of the commissioners was allocated shs400  and when they multiplied by three the total was shs1.2 billion. We are going to expose them, we have the evidence,"  Ssekikubo said

Some of the MPs who appended their signatures on the censure motion on Friday included Betty Nambooze and Yona Musinguzi of Ntungamo Municipality among others.

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