Uganda steps up urban planning with physical planners assembly

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Uganda steps up urban planning with physical planners assembly
Kampala | Courtesy

The Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development has unveiled plans for the inaugural Annual General Meeting of the Society of Professional Physical Planners of Uganda.

The Society of Professional Physical Planners of Uganda (SPPP) is expected to address the country's escalating urbanisation challenges.

Speaking on behalf of the minister for lands, Brian Odella, the interim chairperson of SPPU, emphasised the urgency of organised urban planning in light of Uganda's rapid urbanization rate that stands at 5.2 percent per annum.

"Organised urban planning is imperative in light of Uganda's rapid urbanization rate," Odella said.

"The Society of Professional Physical Planners of Uganda will play a vital role in shaping sustainable urban development."

Odella techoed the ministry's sentiments, underlining the critical role of the forthcoming elections for the Executive Council scheduled for April 26 in Kampala.

The Society of Physical Planners of Uganda are set for a major assembly on Friday in Kampala

He emphasised the need for a robust leadership structure to supervise the affairs of the society and confront the pressing urban development issues facing the nation.

"The upcoming elections for the Executive Council are crucial for establishing strong leadership to address Uganda's urban development challenges," he said.

The establishment of the Society of Professional Physical Planners of Uganda stems from the enactment of the Physical Planners Registration Act 2023, spearheaded by the Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development.

This landmark legislation aims to regulate the physical planning profession and ensure the provision of quality urban planning services across the country.

With challenges such as unplanned growth centers and regulatory inadequacies looming large, the society's creation marks a significant step towards fostering sustainable urban development in Uganda.

The upcoming Annual General Meeting signals a pivotal moment for stakeholders to come together, chart a course for the future, and address the complexities of urbanization head-on.

The ministry expressed gratitude to the Interim Executive Council for their diligent efforts in organizing the meeting within the stipulated timeframe.

They also extended appreciation to their partners for their unwavering support throughout the process.

As Uganda embarks on this journey towards better urban planning, collaboration and collective action will be key in shaping a more sustainable and prosperous future.

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