Gen Muhoozi addresses troop promotions, military strategy

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Gen Muhoozi addresses troop promotions, military strategy
Some of the officers and their family

In a momentous ceremony held at the main military base in Mbuya on Tuesday, the Chief of the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF), General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, presided over the promotion of 150 seasoned soldiers to the rank of Colonel.

This elevation comes amidst a strategic restructuring within the UPDF, emphasizing the importance of seasoned leadership in current military operations.

Among those promoted, 23 officers attained the rank of Colonel, while 39 Majors and 88 Lieutenant Colonels were also recognized for their exemplary service and dedication to duty.

Gen Muhoozi emphasised the critical role of the military in national security, asserting that their duty transcends mere defense and extends to societal support, echoing sentiments akin to those of a shepherd guiding his flock.

"Our duty as soldiers goes beyond protecting borders; we must also nurture and safeguard our society," he said.

Notably, Gen Muhoozi underscored the importance of humility and service, urging the newly promoted officers to lead by example and remain steadfast in their commitment to the nation.

"True leadership is not about rank or authority but about service and sacrifice," the CDF added.

Colonel Jaffari Kasirivu echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the responsibility of officers to safeguard the lives of citizens and contribute to the betterment of society.

He said: "Our duty as soldiers is not just to defend, but to uplift and protect the lives of our fellow citizens."

Both Muhoozi and Kasirivu highlighted the spiritual aspect of military service, recognizing the need for divine guidance and moral fortitude in the face of challenges.

"In times of adversity, it is our faith and integrity that sustain us," Muhoozi said.

Colonel Joyce Karebara, with 39 years of service, spoke passionately about the sacrifices made by soldiers, particularly highlighting the challenges faced by female soldiers who balance military duty with familial responsibilities.

She said: "As women in the military, we juggle the duties of both soldier and caretaker, facing unique challenges that require resilience and determination."

Colonel Sam Ngobi emphasised the importance of continuous learning and adaptation, urging soldiers to remain vigilant and innovative in their approach to military service.

"Our strength lies in our ability to adapt and evolve, to stay ahead of our adversaries," Ngobi said.

The ceremony not only celebrated the achievements of these distinguished officers but also served as a testament to the ongoing commitment of the UPDF to uphold national security and contribute to the well-being of Ugandan society

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