
Three PDM SACCO Leaders Arrested Over Corruption Allegations in Obongi

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Three PDM SACCO Leaders Arrested Over Corruption Allegations in Obongi
The suspects after their arrest

Police in Obongi District have arrested three leaders of a Parish Development Model (PDM) SACCO over alleged corruption.

The suspects, John Bosco Moiyini (Chairperson of Ewafa Parish Development Model), Swaib Isile (Supervisory Committee Chairperson), and Nickson Barack (SACCO Secretary), were detained on the orders of Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Samuel Mpimbaza Hashaka during a meeting with PDM beneficiaries at Ewafa Trading Center.

According to RDC Mpimbaza, the three leaders allegedly colluded to extort 150,000 shillings from each of the 100 SACCO members, a practice he condemned as unlawful.

“I am determined to ensure that funds meant for the Parish Development Model reach their intended beneficiaries. Anyone misusing these poverty alleviation funds will face the full force of the law,” Mpimbaza asserted.

Mariam Nasur, a resident of Ewafa Sub-county and one of the complainants, accused the SACCO leaders of taking her money without delivering the promised funds.

“I paid Shs150,000 to Swaib Isile in August last year, but I never received the 1 million shillings I was supposed to get under the Parish Development Model,” Nasur said.

The suspects are currently being held at Obongi Central Police Station, where they are recording their statements. Authorities are continuing their investigations into the allegations.

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