IGP Byakagaba appoints new Kampala Metropolitan Commander

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IGP Byakagaba appoints new Kampala Metropolitan Commander
New IGP Abbas Byakagaba

The Inspector General of Police, Abbas Byakagaba has made changes in the police leadership, dropping Kampala Metropolitan Police commander, senior commissioner of police Stephen Tanui.

Tanui has been sent to the fire and rescue directorate as deputy director and Richard Echega has been appointed as the new Kampala Metropolitan Police Commander.

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Gerard Twishime has been appointed as the new deputy Kampala Metropolitan police commander while Senior Superintendent of Police, Rogers Sseguya has been appointed the new Regional Police Commander for Kampala Metropolitan East.

Others transfers have seen Moses Nanoka appointed the new Regional Police Commander for Kampala Metropolitan North while Abubaker Ziwedde has been appointed as the commissioner in charge of the police curriculum.

The same changes that saw Fred Enanga, the long serving police spokesperson sent to Interpol as the deputy director and replaced by Kituuma Ruoke have seen Commissioner of Police Denis Namuwoza put  in charge of fire arms while Christine Nanding is the commandant for the Professional Standards Unit while Edgar Nyabongo sent to oil and gas .

These are first major transfers by Abbas Byakagaba since his appointment as the new Inspector General of Police, a month or so ago.

The changes are expected to take immediate effect.

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