Crime Trend Highlights Challenges in Uganda's Justice System

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Key stakeholders from various government agencies and civil society convened for a crime trend reflection meeting following the release of the police crime report of 2023.

The gathering shed light on significant challenges plaguing Uganda's justice system, including understaffing and inadequate resources leading to case backlogs and delayed justice delivery.

Director of Public Prosecution, Justice Jean Francis Abodo, expressed concern over the surge in crime syndicates, acknowledging her department's struggle with understaffing, which hinders the timely processing of cases.

"There is an increase in crime syndicates, yet our department lacks the necessary manpower to handle every case promptly," remarked Justice Abodo.

Echoing similar sentiments, Justice Michael Elubu, Head of the Criminal Division in the judiciary, emphasized the challenges highlighted in the police crime report, indicating systemic issues within the criminal justice system.

"The numbers in the crime report underscore a significant challenge in the criminal justice line," stated Justice Elubu.

The strain on Uganda's prisons was also highlighted, with Samuel Akena, Deputy Commissioner General of Uganda Prisons, noting the overcrowded inmate population exceeding the facilities' capacity.

"The occupancy levels in Uganda prisons have surpassed their intended capacity, posing further challenges to our already strained resources," commented Akena.

Despite a slight decrease of 1.5% in the crime rate over the past year, stakeholders emphasized the urgency to address systemic issues hindering effective case management and justice delivery.

Police officials emphasized the need to tackle the high costs associated with conducting investigations to streamline the judicial process.

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