Busoga Gears Up for Digital Census with Kyabazinga's Backing

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Busoga Gears Up for Digital Census with Kyabazinga's Backing
Kyabazinga pose for a photo with UBOs team and Busoga officials at Igenge Palace

Busoga readies itself for a headcount as Uganda prepares for its first-ever digital population and housing census. This week, officials from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) met with key stakeholders in the region, including the Kyabazinga of Busoga, William Gabula Nadiope IV, to drum up support for the upcoming exercise.

Dr. Chris Mukiza, the Executive Director of UBOS, emphasized the importance of participation and urged residents to stay home and be counted during the census period. He highlighted the shift to a digital approach, abandoning paper questionnaires in favor of tablets for faster data collection.

This digitalization promises significant benefits. Dr. Mukiza assured residents that the streamlined process will expedite data analysis and dissemination. He confidently stated, "We shall compute all the data within one month and share the national census results promptly."

The Kyabazinga, a prominent leader in the region, expressed his full support for UBOS's efforts. He acknowledged the importance of proper planning for effective governance. "We at the Obwakyabazinga [Kingship] of Busoga are committed to working alongside UBOS," he declared. "We believe a successful census will benefit not only Busoga but the entire nation."

The Kyabazinga further emphasized his hope that the census data would allow the government to effectively plan for the needs of his subjects. This targeted planning has the potential to improve the lives of Busoga residents and contribute to the overall development of Uganda.

The collaboration between UBOS and local leaders like the Kyabazinga is crucial for ensuring a smooth and successful census. By working together, they can encourage participation and ensure everyone in Busoga is counted. This accurate population data will be instrumental in shaping future policies and resource allocation, ultimately impacting the well-being of Busoga's people.

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