Youths in Bugweri District Take Aim at Local Leadership, Citing Broken Promises and Neglect

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Youths in Bugweri District Take Aim at Local Leadership, Citing Broken Promises and Neglect
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Discontentment is simmering among young people in Bugweri district, who accuse their leaders of failing to deliver on a multitude of promises made during the 2021 campaign season. Led by Mr. Musirimu Katwala, the youth leader of Bukoteka parish, they lament a lack of prioritization in government programs and a glaring absence of technical schools that were touted as a solution to rampant unemployment.

At a press conference held in Busesa village, the youths painted a bleak picture of their situation. They decried the lack of community and seed schools, initiatives championed by the late Kirunda Kivejinja, which they believe fell by the wayside due to a lack of commitment from current leaders, particularly Members of Parliament.

Their frustrations extend beyond education. The youths highlighted the deplorable state of roads, crippling their ability to transport agricultural produce to markets. They further pointed to inadequately equipped health facilities lacking essential drugs, leaving them vulnerable to untreated illnesses. This, they claim, stems from poor representation and a lack of monitoring by their elected officials.

Mr. Katwala specifically criticized the Youths Livelihood Program (YLP) and the Parish Development Model (PDM) program, which allocates 30% of funds to youth initiatives. He alleges these programs have been mismanaged, with intended beneficiaries being bypassed in favor of those who already have access to government funds.

The lack of transparency and accountability extends beyond program allocation. The youths expressed outrage over unfulfilled promises to establish a technical institute, a crucial step towards equipping them with skills to compete in the job market. They vowed to reject leaders who rely on empty rhetoric and instead support those committed to community-oriented development projects that prioritize the needs of young people.

One youth leader, Mr. Kakaire Nasser, expressed their collective disillusionment with a leader, who they chose not to name, who has held power for nearly 25 years. They accused this leader of a long history of empty promises and pledged to mobilize the youth to reject such individuals, seeking instead leaders dedicated to supporting development initiatives that empower young people.

The message from Bugweri's youth is clear: business as usual is no longer acceptable. They demand leaders who are not only willing to make promises but also demonstrably committed to fulfilling them. They yearn for investment in technical education, infrastructure development, and a healthcare system that meets their basic needs. Ultimately, the youth of Bugweri seek a future built on opportunity, not unfulfilled potential.

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